How to boycott

Our goal is to make this boycott as easy as possible, so here are 3 rules to follow:

  1. Follow the BDS list. The BDS list is Palestinian-led, and helps us focus our boycott for it to have the greatest effect possible.

  2. Try not to make unnecessary purchases, but if you do, be conscious of where and what you buy. Buy from local businesses, second-hand, or from our Safe Brands List.

  3. Be sure to interact, comment, like, and share content on social media to keep Palestine at the top of the algorithm. Share with family and friends as well.

HURIYA starts with the BDS list and then takes it further. Our goal is to purge the compromised brands from our lives and give you safe brands to start purchasing from that have Zero Ties.

Other than boycotting the Top 11 brands, the BDS list provides us with other brands we should put pressure on.